Below is some information about formulating an easy-to-start raw feeding menu for your pet (using our product offerings)!
Our **Variety Value For Dogs** takes into consideration your pets' overall diet needs while also factoring in keeping the ingredients "budget-friendly". We include some additional raw meaty bones for mental and dental health, but also necessary to feed for growing puppies' daily diets.
You'll want to structure your pets' diet according to their: weight, activity level and body condition. In general, feed approximately 2-4% of dogs’ body weight.
To calculate this, we take Your Pet' Weight x % of Body Weight = ? amount in lbs to feed daily.
Here's an introduction as to you could structure your meals over a month's period of time with the **Variety Value For Dogs**. (Disclaimer: The below information is simply a suggestion. Once you get the hang of formulating your pets' own diet, we suggest you feed as much variety as possible and also include other proteins/products not listed below)
1) 30% of their diet: Beef Organ Blend
2) 30% of their diet: Lamb + Pork Blend
3) 20% of diet - either or both: Beef Green Tripe or Lamb + Goat Green Tripe
4) 10% of diet - either or both: Salmon Blend and Oily Fish Blend
5 ) 10% of diet - raw meaty bones: Chicken Feet or Heads, Pork Brisket Bones, Rabbit Feet.
5) Remainder of diet other raw meaty bones and whole food supplements such as: Eggs, Goat Milk, Cooked or Sprouted Greens, Berries, etc.
How much do I order of the items included in the **Variety Value Box**?
**Tip: Feed fish blends layered in the middle of any other blend for ultimate success!
What your overall goal is to feed: 80% Muscle Meat- 10% Edible Bone- 10% Organ (with 50% of that 10% featuring mostly liver) along with other whole foods to supplement such as fish, eggs, greens and berries. You can meet this percentage structure daily or over the course of a few meals for a *balanced* diet.
Adding in whole food supplements – as you see fit for your pets’ individual needs! We’ve provided some more information on easy-to-include whole food supplements here and here in our blog posts. We suggest adding fruits + veggies to your dog’s meal depending on their individual diet needs. It can be as simple as sharing your cooked veggies or raw cruciferous greens each day with your pet! They need the fiber and the nutrients!
Feeding VARIETY is crucial to balancing your pets' DIY raw diet! Each protein/whole food contains its own nutrient profile. So, feeding a little bit of everything, over the course of time, is how we maintain optimal health for our pets.
This is a great place to start! If you want to get particular, you could weigh everything out. Please adjust and feed according to your dog and your family’s individual needs If you’d like to further formulate a specialized diet, we recommend you connect with a canine nutritionist such as thru Perfectly Rawsome. If you’re ever concerned about your pet’s diet and the balance of nutrition in the way you’re feeding, we recommend a nutrition consultation with a canine nutritionist or raw-advocating and experienced veterinarian. We have some resources available here. Additionally, you can do a hair-tissue-mineral analysis thru Parsley Pet.
Please refer to our Price List to help sort out pricing for how much you'd need to feed your pet. You'll find other Sample Orders available on that page as well. Be sure to check out *BULK* discount options! You can order several month's worth and save $$$ by purchasing in bulk.
Here’s a link to our *current* breakdown percentage of what is in each “blend”.
If you'd like us to create a monthly sample order for your specific pet's dietary needs, or have multiple pets and wondering how to structure according to everyone's diet needs, we'd love to help! Please schedule your FREE 20 minute consultation here or give us a call.
Follow us on Instagram for more raw feeding tips, tricks + tid bits of knowledge! @intermountainraw
**PLEASE NOTE: We are not certified in canine nutrition, but we can share our experience with you! We suggest checking out our resources page to get you thinking! We also have a blog where you can learn more. Additionally, our products are geared towards the DIY raw feeder. Our customers formulate their pets diets based on their lifestyle and feeding preferences, along with their own research and understanding of what’s best for their pets. We can help you get started but none of our products are in and of themselves “complete” and “balanced”. Unfortunately, we cannot advise you on mixing kibble with raw. If you’re looking for advice on feeding some dry and some raw, Iwed suggest looking into our resources page and check out Perfectly Rawsome's blog for more info.